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FC Chelsea

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  • Hvala momci, trebaće nam


    • Nije me bilo par dana, pa moram sada.



      • Sto se tice Liga Sampiona, bolje nismo mogli ni da dobiemo kako sto je rekao Paolo Ferreira sanse su 50/50 pa videcemo...


        • Sta ce biti sa Kurtoom? Prvobitno nije mogao, sada UEFA kaze da moze da brani. A navodno Atletiko ne zeli da on igra, jer ga zele i sledece sezone i nece da kvare odnos sa Celzijem.

          Paradoks situacija. Koliko sam citao, ako mu Celzi zabrani oni dobijaju ban, ako Atletiko odbije da igra, oni piju ban. Jedino da se satro povredi do 1/2.


          • Ne znam sta ce biti sa njega ako stoi to u ugovoru treba da ga pocituju ovi iz Atletika sta znam valjda ce braniti isto se pricalo i kad smo igrali i u Superkupu pa je branio za Atletiko i narednu sezonu je ostao tamo...
            Jel zna neko kad ce se igrati ova tekma jer ne mogu dva kluba iz Madrida da igraju u dva dana...


            • Немам ја појма шта се ту дешава, а видим да нико не зна шта је и како је.

              Маааа, играће Куртоа бре.


              1st Leg: Tuesday 22nd April Atletico Madrid v Chelsea
              2nd Leg: Wednesday 30th April Chelsea v Atletico Madrid

              И мислим да је супер што гостујемо први меч. Идемо бре у финале!!
              Last edited by Avramovic; 11-04-14, 12:46.


              • Nekako sam najviše priželjkivao Real. Čini mi se da su Atletiko i Bajern u mnogo boljoj formi od Madridjana, mada ih nikada ne treba otpisivati, ali sam mislio da bi Murinjovo poznavanje ovog kluba moglo da nam omogući nešto lakši plasman u finale LŠ nego li što će to biti u dvomeču sa Atletikom. Bilo kako bilo, ostale su 4 najbolje ekipe bez sumnje i svaka je svojom igrom do sad zaslužila da osvoji ovaj trofej. Nama je ovo odlična prilika da treću godinu u nizu u London donesemo evropski pehar. Nadam se drugom naslovu prvaka Evrope.
                Originally posted by Brajkula
                Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

                Brajkula, 2014. N.E


                • Gle ovo Đomla plavac !?


                  • Jok Juventus
                    Originally posted by Brajkula
                    Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

                    Brajkula, 2014. N.E


                    • A Borusija Dortmund ?


                      • Simpatizer sam i Milionera. Ne vidim ja tu nikakav sukob interesa. Nije da podržavam i Arsenal u isto vreme
                        Originally posted by Brajkula
                        Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

                        Brajkula, 2014. N.E


                        • Multi transformer Đomla


                          • Spoiler
                            Originally posted by Brajkula
                            Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

                            Brajkula, 2014. N.E


                            • Коментар на утакмицу - благи ужас.
                              Јако лоше играмо против бункера и то се видело пар пута ове сезоне смо и губили бодове нпр. против Паласа, Виле, Вест Хема...
                              Ал нема везе и даље смо у финој позицији да узмемо лигу.
                              Ако ми добијемо све до краја (наравно и Ливерпул), Ливерпул киксне против нас а Сити одигра бар нерешено на гудисону узимамо титулу са бодом више од Ситија и ЛФЦ-а. Али има још да се игра и после текме са Ливерпулом ће се знати ко сигурно НЕЋЕ бити шампион


                              • Terry reveals Mourinho told players to ignore Liverpool's win as Chelsea keep pressure on title chasing rivals

                                Chelsea captain John Terry believes the Blues have managed to keep the pressure on their title rivals with a 1-0 victory over Swansea at the Liberty Stadium.

                                Liverpool's dramatic 3-2 win against third-placed Manchester City saw Brendan Rodgers' men pull five points clear at the top of the Barclays Premier League table, but Chelsea cut that gap to just two points by downing the Swans through Demba Ba's second-half strike in south Wales.

                                Centre-back Terry, who watched his counterpart Chico Flores pick up a red card after 16 minutes, revealed Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho had demanded his players ignore the result at Anfield to focus on their own performances.

                                Terry told Sky Sports 1: 'We obviously knew about it and looking at the result, it's probably the one we wanted'.

                                'It was important, as the manager said before the game, that we knew that regardless of that result if we don't win our games we'll make it very easy for them.

                                'But we've won our game and the pressure is still on the teams above and below us.

                                'I think patience was the key today especially after they had their man sent off not long into the game.

                                'Sometimes we weren't patient or at our best but we got the three points today and we'll take them home.'

                                Senegalese striker Ba, who scored the goal that ensured Chelsea's progression to the Champions League semi-finals at the expense of Paris St Germain in midweek, was pleased to make another winning contribution after spending much of the season on Mourinho's bench.

                                'Not a bad week,' he said. 'I'm happy for the team, for me and for my family.

                                'I never stopped believing. I knew that the manager always likes to keep three strikers and in a moment like this I knew I would get the opportunity to come in and do something.'
                                It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
                                It's the distance he's prepared to go.

