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Predsezona - PL & Championship 20/21 (pripremni mecevi, transferi, spekulacije)

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  • Predsezona - PL & Championship 20/21 (pripremni mecevi, transferi, spekulacije)

    Posto je prlazni rok vec poceo a cenim i da ce tema 19/20 da se zatvori nakon fniala play offa...

  • #2
    Hated, adored never ignored



    • #3

      Prodaja Newcastle Uniteda je propala. Saudijski Investicioni Fond (PIF), Amanda Staveley (PCP Capital Partners) i braća Reuben su povukli ponudu.

      A statement read:

      "With a deep appreciation for the Newcastle community and the significance of its football club, we have come to the decision to withdraw our interest in acquiring Newcastle United Football Club. We do so with regret, as we were excited and fully committed to invest in the great city of Newcastle and believe we could have returned the Club to the position of its history, tradition and fans’ merit.

      Unfortunately, the prolonged process under the current circumstances coupled with global uncertainty has rendered the potential investment no longer commercially viable. To that end, we feel a responsibility to the fans to explain the lack of alternatives from an investment perspective.

      As an autonomous and purely commercial investor, our focus was on building long-term value for the Club, its fans and the community as we remained committed to collaboration, practicality and proactivity through a difficult period of global uncertainty and significant challenges for the fans and the Club.

      Ultimately, during the unforeseeably prolonged process, the commercial agreement between the Investment Group and the Club’s owners expired and our investment thesis could not be sustained, particularly with no clarity as to the circumstances under which the next season will start and the new norms that will arise for matches, training and other activities.

      As often occurs with proposed investments in uncertain periods, time itself became an enemy of the transaction, particularly during this difficult phase marked by the many real challenges facing us all from Covid-19

      We feel great compassion for the Newcastle United fans with whom we shared a great commitment to help Newcastle United harness its tremendous potential and build upon its impressive and historic legacy while working closely with the local community.

      We would like to say that we truly appreciated your incredible expressions of support and your patience throughout this process. We are sorry it is not to be.

      We wish the team and everyone associated with it much good luck and success".
      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


      • #4
        Ne znam koliko je Athletic merodavan izvor, ali procitah da su se Liverpool i Tottenham najvise bunili protiv preuzimanja kluba. Takodje se navodi da je Ashely pokusao da izvuce jos novca od Saudijaca posto je prvobitni predugovor o kupoprodaji istekao.


        • #5
          Za mene ovo nije očekivani rasplet. Očekivao sam da ovo prođe. Nisam očekivao da se Saudijci povuku, ali izgleda da nisu imali izbora.

          The Athletic je vrlo merodavan izvor. Za nji piše najbolji novinar sa severoistoka Engleske George Caulkin koji je svih ovih meseci, pa i godina na direktnoj vezi sa Amandom Steveley. Imaju saznanja da su Liverpool i Tottenham opstruirali prodaju Newcastle Uniteda. To je prvi napisao The Times. Ne bi me čudilo da je istina.

          Mike Ashley je želeo da sa £305m funti poveća cenu na £350m funti i čak ni to Saudijcima ne bi bio problem da plate. Sinoć je Aahley celu noć zvao Saudijce i Amandu da ih ubedi da se ne povuku. Navodno, posao nije propao jer PIF nije obavestio Premier League da se povlači.

          Najveći problem su bili korumpirani čelnici Premier Legaue koji su maksimalno odlagali odluku i Boga molili da se Saudijci povuku, što se na kraju i desilo.

          Veliku ulogu je takođe odigrao i Katar sa prljavom kampanjom svih 16 sedmica.

          Najgore je prošao klub Newcastle United koji je propustio priliku da se konačno reši bede i da krene napred.

          Kažem, najveći krivac zbog čega NUFC nije prodat je Premier League.
          Last edited by Mags Serbia; 31-07-20, 12:02.
          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


          • #6
            @belgrade_owl sto ovo?

            Hated, adored never ignored



            • #7
              Originally posted by Miki28 View Post
              @belgrade_owl sto ovo?

              Pravda. Teskim muljatorima i lopovima dolazi vreme za naplatu.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Miki28 View Post
                @belgrade_owl sto ovo?

                Ja o tome pisem vec devet meseci, mogao si da ispratis, napisacu sada vise u klupskoj temi

                Originally posted by Scouser View Post
                Pravda. Teskim muljatorima i lopovima dolazi vreme za naplatu.
                ... za 39?

                Sve vreme kukate kako vas neko vredja i onda se moralisti nadju da druge nazivaju muljatorima i lopovima, i to jos niko drugi nego Scouseri, how ironic

                Elem niko nista nije muljao i krao, Wednesday nije uradio nista sto nisu uradili Aston Villa, Birmingham, Derby ili Reading, vlasnik kluba je prodao stadion svojoj drugoj firmi. birmingham je prosle sezone bio kaznjen sa -9 bodova za isti prekrsaj, nama je kazna veca zato sto je cifra za koju smo prebacili FFP veca od one koju je imao Birmingham. Postoji skala po kojoj se izricu kazne.

                Ako vec pricas o muljatorima onda se lepo posveti Lesteru koji je dva puta brosao dugove odlaskom u stecaj. Drugi primer ti je Wolves koji je u sezoni kad je usao u EPL napravio minus od preko 40 miliona funti, ali posto su usli u EPL, drugo telo EFL ne moze da ih kazni. Mozda bi ti pametnije bilo da se posvetis fudbalskom zakonu ako zelis da komentarises ovakve vesti.
                Last edited by belgrade_owl; 31-07-20, 19:45.


                • #9
                  Ovo je bilo ocekivano. Charlton koji je prvi ispod crte razmatra da pokrene tuzbu protiv disciplinske komisije zato sto se kazna ne odnosi na ovu sezonu.

                  Last edited by belgrade_owl; 31-07-20, 22:44.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Steta, ne treba ni napominjati kakav je posao s njima uradio. Nadam se da cemo ga gledati ubrzo na klupi nekog premierligasa, a sto se tice Bournemoutha ne vidim ih kao nekoga ko se moze brzo vratiti u pl iako bi volio da grijesim.


                      • #12
                        Može to biti i dobro za njega, da vidimo od čega je kad preuzme neki jači klub. Bornmut je sam sebi naneo štetu, sad će ih još lakše očerupati.
                        insta: engleski_dopisnik


                        • #13
                          Ne brinem se ja za njih, Rus je pun i ne boji se da potrosi, kupili su vec jednom plasman u EPL, zasto ne bi opet?

                          Imaju novac "solidarnosti" od TV prava koji ce dobiti od EPL. Uz sve to mislim da ce FFP biti promenjen, odnosno da se nece gledati koliko je ko minusirao zbog pandemije jer veliki broj klubova zvisi od prihoda na dan utakmice.

                          Njihov platni fond je bio oko 110 miliona funti u sezoni 18/19, sto je predstavljalo oko 85% troskova od ukupnih prihoda.
                          Last edited by belgrade_owl; 02-08-20, 11:17.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Toliko sarenila na lopti, vratite nam bubamaru!!!

