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FC Barcelona

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  • Xavi je otac najveci ove igre, sa kakvom lakocom igra... i sa 40 godina, on ce da dominira


    • Xavi je umetnik svoje vrste, kad ima ko da trci ispred/za njega sav njegov skill moze se uociti.


      • Paul Scholes column: Lionel Messi is a genius and it only takes a second for him to trick you into doing something daft – I should know!

        It was a moment I will never forget. He went past me, I stuck out my leg and Lionel Messi went over. This was at Old Trafford in 2008 in the second leg of our Champions League semi-final against Barcelona and, with the score 1-0 to us, I had fouled him in our area.

        When I think about our win over Barcelona in that game, on our way to the second Champions League title of the Sir Alex Ferguson era, I always remember that tackle. Yes, I scored the only goal of the tie, and it was one of my better ones. But I will never forget that couple of seconds when the best footballer in the world deceived me into fouling him and I waited for the world to fall in.

        It should have been a penalty to Barcelona, and an away goal would have won them the tie. But for some reason the referee didn’t give it, the game moved on and even Messi did not make much of a fuss. The relief was overwhelming for a few moments – and then I was back into the game.

        He got his own back in the end. I faced Messi four times in my career, twice over the two legs in 2008 and then, as a substitute, in the Champions League finals of 2009 and 2011, when Barcelona beat us comfortably both times. Messi is back in Manchester next week, to face Manchester City again in the Champions League round of 16, and it is never a bad day when you can watch one of the best footballers ever pull on a pair of boots.

        There have been so many superlatives to describe Messi’s career that you find yourself just adding to the pile of words about him. So these are some of the little things that you learn when you play against the man himself which you might not see on the television. First off, he never speaks on the pitch. In fact, I don’t think I ever heard him say a word. Second, you won’t believe how strong he is for a little man.

        I am not ashamed to admit that in the games against Barcelona I spent a lot of the time just hoping he would take up positions as far away from me as possible.

        Elusive is the word that immediately springs to mind when I think about Messi’s style of play. You think you have an eye on him and then – blink – he has gone, only to reappear somewhere else in space, with the ball. When you try to face up to him and make a tackle you know what it is he is going to do with the ball. The problem is staying with him.

        He avoids the highs and lows of football. You rarely see him go over the top in a goal celebration, just as he never gets too downhearted. That’s a quality I think that I shared when I was a player. The game changes so quickly and you have to get yourself in a position mentally where you can deal with whatever is thrown at you.

        I have never seen a United performance with such a high level of concentration as when we beat Barcelona at Old Trafford. For every second of that game, and the first leg at the Nou Camp, we had to be aware of our positioning, of the dangers they posed and our shape as a team as a whole. We spent the whole week working on it with Sir Alex and the staff. We knew exactly what we should be doing at all times. Then we had to do it over two games.

        The two finals were different. In preparation, we thought less about them and more about what we could do. We had Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney for the first one in Rome and we believed we could hurt them. Perhaps we underestimated them.

        When you prepare to play Barcelona you go through the usual weaknesses. Gerard Pique lacks a bit of pace. Javier Mascherano is not really a centre-half (the position he played in 2011). But you can only exploit those weaknesses when you have the ball. We had 37 per cent possession in the 2011 game and we were used to having a lot more.

        There was never any specific plan to deal with Messi, simply that whoever was nearest picked him up. Rio Ferdinand had two great games against him in 2008 but no one keeps him quiet every time. As a finisher, there are few players as composed as Messi. When you can score as many different kinds of goal as he can, you have every reason to be confident.

        People say that I played under pressure, as a Manchester boy at United where we were expected to win every week. But it is nothing compared to the pressure Messi is under, and Cristiano too. They go a game without scoring a goal and people want to know why. Not just fans either but former players who should know better. We expect it of them now and that they keep doing it is incredible.

        Messi is as famous as any footballer has ever been and yet, when it comes down to it, we don’t know much about him. I read that he is a family man, and likes to walk his dogs, but beyond that he’s a mystery really. I like that. Especially these days, when people’s feelings about every issue are there to be read on Twitter or wherever. Keep something of yourself back. It is a strength.

        I am looking forward to seeing him play at the Etihad Stadium on Tuesday and if City want a result then their concentration and focus will have to be as good as it has ever been to make sure they are in the right place at the right time for 90 minutes. It only takes a second for that little No 10 to trick you into doing something daft. And you can’t always rely on the ref not to see it.


        • When you prepare to play Barcelona you go through the usual weaknesses. Gerard Pique lacks a bit of pace. Javier Mascherano is not really a centre-half (the position he played in 2011). But you can only exploit those weaknesses when you have the ball. We had 37 per cent possession in the 2011 game and we were used to having a lot more.
          Jedan od najboljih veznjaka ikada potvrdjuje ono sto je u poslednjih 7 godina reafirmisano i potvrdjeno kao pravi put do pobede.

          Uzgred, Eusebio Sakristan vise nije trener Barselone B. Tokom tri sezone na klupi tima ostvario je sa grupom mladih igraca tri plasmana u gornji deo tabele, a Barselona B je proslu sezonu, kao i onu 10/11, pod Luisom Enrikeom, zavrsila na odlicnom trecem mestu tabele Segunde. Ova sezona ni izdaleka nije dobra kao prethodne, i stoga ce novi trener biti bivsi igrac Barselone, Ovieda i Viljareala, Djordi Vinjals. Koliko sam video, igraci su prilicno zadovoljni njime. B tim danas igra protiv jos jednog katalonskog kluba u Segundi, Ljagostere.


          • Barca B ove sezone prilično loše rezultate ostvaruje. Bez obzira što sam rezultat nije prioritet za ovu ekipu poželjno je da se ostane u ovom rangu takmičenja. Vjerujem da će od sada ići nešto bolje a B tim je trenutno na 2 boda od zone ispadanja.

            Da se vratim malo na jučerašnji rezultat koji je pravo razočaravajući. Svjestan sam da je seriji pobjeda morao doći kraj ali to se nije smjelo dozvoliti na domaćem terenu. Očekujem protiv Sitija Rakitića i Ćavija kao startere jer ih je Enrike valjda zbog toga odmarao iako nije smio da prepušta ništa slučaju. Stvarno mi nije jasno kako ne vidi da mi moramo svaku utakmicu u ovom momentu počinjati sa igračima koji su u najboljoj formi jer prostora za kiks jednostavno ne smije biti.


            • Nije lose, mada bi bilo dosta bolje da je Leo ovo zabio, ali necemo mi ovo prokockati, nema trika znaci da se to desi ..

              Solidno svi odradili posao, samo mi Busquets opet pocinje ici na zivce s onim driblinzima na 20-25 metara od gola, valjda mu ono protiv Espanyola nije bilo dovoljno .. Nadam se da ce mu Lucho ukazati na to i da ce prestati to da radi

              Cestike za Luisa i 2 gola


              • Steta stvarno, mnogo bi opusteniji bili da je 1:3. I ovako je i vise nego dobro. Neymar skroz van igre danas, ocekujem ga u dosta boljem izdanju u revansu


                • Imaju li gde kakvi Highlightsi


                  • Ako ti može poslužiti


                    • Ako nemirni Suarez bude ponovo napravio neki problem bicu prvi koji ce ga osuditi, ali kada i jedna madridska Marka insistira na tome, i dokazuje to da nikakvog ujeda nije bilo, onda su stvari jasne:



                      • Comment

                        • Ma da, nista sporno nije bilo tu sto se tice Luisa. Jbg, ocekivano je da ce se sada pod lupom gledati svaki put kad je bilo koji deo tela protivnickog igraca blizu njegovih usta. To se gubi jedino pristojnim ponasanjem na duge staze. Na neki nacin je sebe zauvek "obelezio" i tu sada vec nema povratka, ali znatno ce se popraviti stvari kako vreme odmice, a on ne bude imao slicne ispade.

                          Fino i kad za pocetak dana vidis da se Dr Sergio obavezao na jos koju godinu. Koliko god neki voleli da ga osporavaju, on je apsolutno nezamenljiva karika za ovakvu Barselonu.


                          • Ovo je ona sezona u kojoj je Valensija pod Benitezom osvojila Primeru a Barselona, posle slabijeg prvog dela sezone, trku zavrsila na drugom mestu.

                            Barselona(4-3-3): Horkera - Reiziger, Pujol, Markez, Van Bronhorst - Koku, Davids, Cavi - Luis Garsija, Saviola, Ronaldinjo

                            Vrhunska akcija Filipa Kokua i Ronaldinja na 3.15, zacinjena egzekucijom na brazilski nacin. Koku je, u vreme one velike ''seobe'' Holandjana, u Kataloniju stigao kao stariji, iskusniji igrac, a izdvojio se sigurnom igrom u oba smera i liderskim sposobnostima. Samo je Mesi uspeo da obori rekord koji je holandski reprezentativac postavio, kao stranac sa najvise nastupa u dresu Blaugrane. Dug korak, odlican sut, igra glavom, duel, pas, pozicioniranje: to su bili kljucni kvaliteti Kokua. Karijeru je priveo kraju u PSV-u, vodeci tim do tri uzastopne titule sampiona zemlje i do onog polufinala LS protiv Milana, kada je, i pored njegova dva gola, Milan izasao iz dvomeca kao pobednik.

                            Karakteristicne - jednostavne, u duplom pasu, tehnicke i brze akcije fudbalera Barselone su i na 4.12 i 9.13. I ovde se, 2004. godine, jasno videlo koliko je Cavi zreo fudbaler: svaki njegov izbor je pravi, iako je pod pritiskom on hladnokrvno resava situacije, pregled igre mu omogucuje da bude korak ispred protivnickih igraca a tehnika da prostor nastao tim kvalitetom iskoristi na najbolji moguci nacin.

                            Sto se Ateltika tice, za njih su, od igraca koje pamtimo, te sezone igrali Kuzmin Kontra, Kiki Musampa, Nikolaidis i naravno, tada mladi Fernando Tores.


                            • Nakon Ai se eu te pego, imaju novu ..



                              • Jel se zna sta je sa Buskecom?

