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FC Chelsea

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  • Originally posted by Reise View Post
    Kejhil me večeras pozitivno iznenadio. Odavno nisam gledao njega da igra sa ovakvim samopouzdanjem. Siguran je bio s loptom u nogama, duge lopte dijelio lijevom i desnom i lagano dobijao duele, mada znaš da ćeš od njega čvrstinu da dobiješ. Nadam se da ovo nije bilo samo za ovu utakmicu.
    Ma Cahill kad je na top nivou je jedan od retkih Engleza koji nije prehajpovan nego stvarno dobar. Al ne verujem da moze opet da ponovi sezonu kao onu kada su osvojili titulu.


    • Luiz je od velike vaznosti za ono sto sari hoce, odlican pas moze dati, a i zna povuci loptu bas dobro. Rudiger isto tako, ali ipak malo slabije nego Luiz. Takodjer je Rudiger vrlo brz, a i bolji defanzivno pa ce zato vjerovatno njih dvojica i da cine stoperski tandem bar ovu sezonu


      • Originally posted by La Jugoslavia View Post
        Meni je sumnjiva odbrana Čelzija, protiv Arsenala je bila očajna.
        Ako to ne poprave, a sa Davidom Luizom će biti teško, imaće dosta problema ove sezone.

        Poslato sa WAS-LX1A uz pomoć Tapatoka
        Jesi li ga gledao sinoc?
        insta: engleski_dopisnik


        • Sinoc kad je usao bas dobro odigrao, cak i defanzivno mnogo bolje od Christensena sto nisam ocekivao. Igre mu sad podsjecaju na prvu sezonu pod conteom, sto su vrlo dobre vijesti


          • Rudiger-Kejhil, taman, kakav crni David Luiz, kakvi bakrači.

            Poslato sa WAS-LX1A uz pomoć Tapatoka
            C'era una volta la Jugoslavia, il Brasile d'Europa


            • Kepa pokazuje da je vec sad odlican golman, a eden nastavlja gdje je stao. Willian umoran ali sreca pa se Pedro oporavio, taman da se vrati u prvih 11


              • Izgleda da je JT 26 zavrsio karijeru. Pravi general
                insta: engleski_dopisnik


                • Here's a story about John Terry .

                  In 2005 Chelsea played Bayern Munich in The Champions League at Stamford Bridge .

                  My son was chosen as the mascot - he was very excited .

                  We arrived at the East Stand reception at Bridge to be met by the lady who looks after the mascots .

                  She told us there was a problem - she told us the UEFA representative (standing nearby) had said Chelsea couldn't have a mascot because Bayern hadn't brought one & my son wouldn't be allowed to go to the dressing room or walk out with the tea

                  He was , as you can imagine , upset.

                  At that moment John Terry walked past & seeing my son in his mascots Chelsea kit stopped to say hello.

                  Seeing everyone looking upset he asked what was wrong .

                  The mascot lady told him that the UEFA man said "no mascot"

                  John Terry asked the UEFA man if this was true-he shrugged.

                  John Terry then said to me and the mascot lady , "we won't be able to get him in the dressing room but bring him to the tunnel as we walk out & I'll take him out with me -I don't care what he says . And I'll get him to be the mascot at another game so he can come & meet everyone".

                  So, just before the game started we walked up the touchline to the tunnel and as JT walked out he gestured for my son to come over . The UEFA official was frantically waving his arms but JT ignored him, held my sons hand and walked out onto the pitch with him - it was amazing.

                  A week later we got a letter from the club saying that JT has personally asked my son to be the mascot for Aston Villa at home - he got the full dressing room tour , met the players , got their autographs ......
                  I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                  • Kepa debitovao sinoć i primio gol u svom stilu, falilo mu je par centimetara da dohvati loptu. Nije se dobro istegao sinoć kao protiv Sautemptona izgleda.



                      Lep tekst za dobro jutro, u iscekivanju sutrasnjeg derbija
                      insta: engleski_dopisnik


                      • Jeste spremni za poraz?

                        Послато са SM-G955F уз помоћ Тапатока
                        Hated, adored never ignored



                        • Ko ce Murinju da dopuni kredit ako ne njegov najdrazi bivsi klub
                          insta: engleski_dopisnik


                          • Tako je. Ima totalni fudbal da odigramo na SB, iako svi misle da ce biti teski bunker.

                            Goleada i naravno poraz Celzija

                            Послато са SM-G955F уз помоћ Тапатока
                            Hated, adored never ignored



                            • Ne znam kako smo ovaj bod danas izvukli. Na lijevu stranu nam furi promaja, Alonso kad nema napadačkog učinka je ubjedljivo najlošija figura na utakmici.


                              • I azpi je los cijelu sezonu, bar za njegove standarde.

