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NHL Offseason (Vesti, trejdovi, draft, zanimljivosti,...)

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  • #91
    Re: Vesti,trejdovi,draft,i znimljivosti NHLa!

    Slazem se, ali opet, ipak vodis 4:0, nisu bas trebali da im dopuste da se vrate. %QWT&W


    • #92
      Re: Vesti,trejdovi,draft,i znimljivosti NHLa!

      Mislio sam na Cooke-a a ne na Wingse
      Nisu trebali,ali sada kada je gotovo ih verovatno boli uvo za to i razmisljaju o sledecoj zrtvi,samo mislim da ce sledeci put ako tako nesto urade da oni budu zrtve.
      Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


      • #93
        Pogledajte ovu majstoriju!
        Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


        • #94

          Nisam znao gde da postavim pa evo ovde. Poginuo ceo tim Lokomotive Jarosalvlj. Avion im se srusio kad je poletao sa aerodroma na prvu utakmicu KHLa. Nekoliko poznatih igraca bilo je u avionu ukljucujuci i nekada meni omiljenog NHL igraca Pavola Demitru kao i bivseg golmana HV71 Stefana Liva. Tragedija. RIP
          Last edited by Nebojsa; 07-09-11, 16:05.
          Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


          • #95
            Au jbt, evo sad bas citam i ne mogu da verujem... Demitra je bio igracina i po...

            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


            • #96
              Stvarno tragedija. Ovo je mozda i najcrnji dan u istoriji KHL
              Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


              • #97

                Pocivaj u miru.
                CZ-JK-Elton John-Diva


                • #98
                  36 od 37 ljudi u avionu poginulo, a neki spominju preko 40 zrtava. Lekari se bore za zivot jos jednog igraca. Velika tragedija za porodice igraca, prijatelje, sunarodnike, kolege...ali i za celu Rusiju. Ruska vlada mora se pobrinuti da uspomena na igrace ostane sacuvana i da klub ne prestane da postoji.

                  Neka im je laka crna zemlja.
                  Last edited by Bogi; 07-09-11, 22:36.


                  • #99
                    Jody Shellevy napadac Philadelphia Flyers-a suspendovan na pet utakmica predsezone i pet utakmica regularne sezone. Razlog je udaranje Darryl Boyce-a iz Toronto Maple Leafs-a.

                    Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                    • Nemam komentar,stvarno sramota!

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                      LONDON, Ont. - Philadelphia Flyers winger Wayne Simmonds says he has experienced racism throughout his life and hopes what happened during a shootout loss against the Detroit Red Wings Thursday night wasn't another example of it.

                      The rangy forward, who scored in the last minute of regulation play to send the exhibition game into overtime and ultimately a shootout, took the first shot of the tie-breaker and admitted a bit of shock when a banana came flying into his path as he zeroed in on Detroit netminder Jordan Pearce.

                      "I don't know if it had anything to do with the fact I'm black," the Toronto native said. "I certainly hope not. When you're black, you kind of expect (racist) things. You learn to deal with it."
                      Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                      • Novi sistem takmicenja! Igrace se sa 4 konferencije,i to po ovom rasporedu!Naravno od sledece sezone.
                        Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                        • Rekoh da ne otvaram novu temu, jel se zna da li ce biti prenosa, sada vec skracene, sezone 2012/13 na kanalim sportkluba? Ako ne da li neki drugi kanal prenosi, tipa ESPN `Merica?


                          • Ovo sam vidio na sajtu ESPN America

                            The NHL 2012/13 season is back on after the League and Players’ Union negotiated an agreement and a return to action. Once the shortened season gets underway ESPN America will be bringing you live games from across the States and Canada right through the the Stanley Cup Finals next year.

                            Revised TV schedules will be released once they have ratified and finalized.


                            • Hvala za info. Bilo bi super kada bi Sportklub prenosio i NHL, skroz su gotivni komentatori.


                              • Arena Sport prenosi po 5 meceva nedeljno do plej-ofa.
                                Ne bih da ih reklamiram ali cisto za informaciju ljudima Chicago-LA veceras u 21h na Areni 2.

